To mold competent and well-developed persons who can take up the challenges of the future on behalf of the community, the society, the nation and the world.
The lines quoted from a sloka in the Bhagavat Gita
योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् “yoga karmasukowsala”
Meaning “Skill in Action is Yoga”
“Working in a rural ambiance, we set to inculcate professional skills and a spirit of commitment among our students, especially to build up a resurgent rural India.” The teaching learning process in the campus is attuned to build up a nation through professional training. The mission provides an inspiring frame of reference for both teachers and students in the college.
The College strives to help every student:
- To understand himself/herself and discover his/her latent capacities
- To understand his/her position as a member of human society and of the physical universe
- To think clearly and critically and communicate effectively
- To learn how to make practical application of knowledge, attitudes and skills
- To develop a sense of unity in all areas of knowledge including religious vision.
- To make every effort for the all-round development of every student that enters its portals.